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Steve Jobs
By: Walter Isaacson (Part 2)
Independent Reading

        Finally! I finished one of the most interesting books I've read (based on my hobby)! Although it has 1096 pages, it's awesome! If you look at my older posts in this blog I've already made a post from the first 500 pages from this book. It was interesting, the first half of these book talked more about the life of Steve Jobs in Silicon Valley and his personal experiences. This last 576 pages (20 pages of bibliography, acknowledgments, and interviews), were more focused on how the company that we know in this days started with Steve Wozniak (his friend) and Steve in a garage with the Apple 1. This last part is basically a story and experiences of how apple started.

        Steve Jobs was just a visionary when he started. He didn't knew anything from programming, neither from computer engineering. But, he finally met the men that really started everything, his name was Steve Wozniak. He was the engineer, programmer and the mind of the company. After they made the Apple 1, they hired a new men, the CEO of Pepsi cola at the moment. They new man in the company then lead to the expel of the one that created the company, Steve Jobs.

Reading Blog #1


The book I read for summer reading was The Circuit-Francisco Jimenez. This book talks about a migrant family that passes "la frontera" between Mexico and USA, with the goal of having a better life, live the american dream. The setting for this story is California. The protagonist of this story is Panchito (Francisco Jimenez), the antagonist I would guess us the "migra", because they go against immigrants. The main conflict is that they're working on cotton and strawberry fields to have a better life, they're escaping from the migra because they were in USA ilegally.


I liked a lot the story because there was certain parts of the story that had a lot of suspense, you wanted to continue reading. Also because I liked how the author explained his story. He wrote very neatly, and clear, so there was no questions. I would've recommended this book to my grandmother before dying because she liked alot to read, even if she didn't know english she would've to anything to read it.

Catching Fire
Book Blog


I`m reading the first 10 chapters of the book Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. This part of the book I`m reading talks about Katniss and Peeta after the Hunger Games.  President Snow is threatening Katniss by it`s fake love with Peeta. The Districts are planning to do a rebelion against the capitol. Katniss is the protagonist of this story as well as Peeta. The antagonist could be President Snow. The setting of this part of the story is in Distric 12. The main conflict is that theres a big rebelion going on.


I like the story because theres lots of eventshappening in the story that catches my atention. I like alsohow the story is written because it catches my attention and because it`s very clearly explained. I would recomend this book to a cousin of mine which loves to read, and his reading the first book of this saga.

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Steve Jobs

by: Walter Isaacson (Part 1)

Independent Reading

             The independent reading book I chose was Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I chose this book because I was always interested about Steve Jobs. My brother recommended this book to me because he knew I loved to know about technology and this type of characters. Unfortunately I couldn´t finish this book because I didn´t have much time. This book talks about his life and important accomplishments this celebrity made.


            This book about Steve Jobs is basically a biography. This talks about the first apple computers and about his company. This book also talk about Steve Jobs private life, this talks about very private and strange things you didn´t know about the main character. And also very important, the rivalry between Steve and Bill Gates. I like to read books of my choice because is not a forced theme or book, it´s the one that I like. I would recommend this book to my dad because he is also very interested on technology like me. 

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